Hanger Bolts for Solar Roof Mounting PVM-HB

Hanger Bolt for Solar Roof Mounting

PVMOUNTS Solar Hanger Bolt is a high-quality fastener designed for secure and efficient solar panel mounting on metal roofs. Made from SUS 304 stainless steel, it offers superior corrosion resistance, waterproofing with an EPDM rubber seal, and adjustable height (150mm-300mm) for precise installation.

Compatible with both wooden and steel beams structures, Our hanger bolts are specifically designed for various metal roof profiles, including trapezoidal, zinc, corrugated, and sandwich panel roofs. it works seamlessly with L-feet and mounting plates, Engineered for solar installers, wholesalers, EPC contractors and construction professionals. Easy to install, durable, adjustable and weatherproof—perfect for long-lasting solar panel racking systems.

Порт отгрузки:Сямынь
МатериалStainless Steel SUS 304/EPDM
Сертификаты для Solar Pv Cable Clips PVM-CC-03

Поделиться с

Название продуктаМатериалКоличество
Hanger Bolt bodySUS 3041
M10 Flange NutsSUS 3043
Rubber GastetEPDM1


Способ упаковки

Ключевые особенности:

  • Secure Mounting – Threaded on both ends, one side anchors into the roof beam, while the other connects to mounting brackets such as L-feet or mounting plate.
  • Superior Weatherproofing – Equipped with an EPDM rubber washer to create a leak-proof seal when compressed against the roof sheet, ensuring long-term protection against water penetration.
  • Регулируемая конструкция – Available in multiple lengths (150mm-300mm) with a double-threaded ends allow for easy & precise depth and height adjustments to suit different roofing structures during installation.
  • Versatile Applications – Compatible with both wooden and steel beams. Available in pointed head for wooden rafters and flat head for steel purlins, making it adaptable to various roof structures.
  • Corrosion-Resistant & Highly Durable – Made from SUS 304 stainless steel to withstand various environmental conditions, , these bolts feature a highly corrosion-resistant surface treatment, ensuring firmness and lonevity even in extreme environments.
  • Easy & Fast Installation – Pre-assembled components allow for quick mounting and direct fixed onto steel purlins, reducing labor time and installation complexity.

As a manufacturer with over 10 years of experience in solar racking mounting accessories, we are committed to delivering the best quality products and exceptional service to our customers.

Upgrade your solar installations with PVMOUNTS Stainless Steel Hanger Bolts for Metal Roofs—built for strength, stability, and long-term performance.

Contact us today for bulk orders and customized solutions!

Технические параметры
Ветровая нагрузка:Макс 60 м/с
Снеговая нагрузка:Макс 1,4 КН/м
Размер M10x150mm/200mm/250mm/300mm(custom sizes available upon request)
Место установки:Скатная крыша
Угол наклона:Параллельно поверхности крыши
Подходит для:
  • Трапециевидные металлические листы
  • Гофрированные металлические листы
  • Сэндвич-панели
  • Standing seam roof
  • Шероховатые поверхности
СтандартAS/NZS 1170.2/JIS C 8955:2017/ISO9001/UL1565/DIN 1055

Production Photo:

Solar Pv Bracket Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb (6)

Pvm Hb Solar Hanger Bolt Production Photo For Metal Roof

Solar Pv Bracket Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb (11)

Solar Pv Bracket Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb (12)

Pvm Hanger Bolt Production Photo (5)

Pvm Hanger Bolt Production Photo (7)

Pvm Hanger Bolt Production Photo (6)

Pvm Hanger Bolt Production Photo (1)

Pvm Hanger Bolt Production Photo (8)

Solar Pv Bracket Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb (7)

Solar Pv Bracket Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb (13)

Solar Pv Bracket Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb (32)

Pvm Hanger Bolt Production Photo (3)
Pvm Hanger Bolt Production Photo (2)
Pvm Hanger Bolt Production Photo (1)
Packing Way:
Тип упаковкиВнутренняя упаковка: Пластиковый пакет + картонная коробка
Внешняя упаковка: Фанерный поддон/ящик
Solar Pv Bracket Double Head Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb (2)
Solar Pv Bracket Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb (31)

Solar Hanger Bolt Popular Size M10x200mm

Solar Pv Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb Drawing (1)

Solar Pv Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb Drawing (3)

Available Size:
L (мм)160(±2.3)180(±2.3)200(±2.3)250(±2.3)300(±2.3)
L1 (мм)45(±2.3)65(±2.3)85(±2.3)140(±2.3)195(±2.3)
L2 (мм)80(±2)80(±2)80(±2)80(±2)80(±2)

How to Install a Solar Hanger Bolt for Metal Roof Solar Mounting

Installing a solar hanger bolt is a crucial step in securing a solar panel racking system on metal roofs. Follow these steps for a proper and secure installation:

Tools & Materials Needed:

  • Solar hanger bolts (pointed head for wooden rafters or flat head for steel purlins)
  • L-feet or mounting plate
  • Flange nuts & EPDM washer
  • Power drill & drill bit (suitable for metal or wood)
  • Wrench or socket tool
  • Measuring tape & marker

Пошаговое руководство по установке:

Step 1: Mark the Drilling Points

  • Identify the positions where the hanger bolts will be installed.
  • Ensure alignment with the solar panel racking layout.
  • Mark the spots using a marker or chalk for precision.

Step 2: Drill Pilot Holes

  • For wooden rafters: Use an appropriately sized drill bit to create a pilot hole at the marked spot.
  • For steel purlins: Pre-drill the hole based on the bolt diameter for easier insertion.

Step 3: Insert the Hanger Bolt

  • Insert the solar hanger bolt into the drilled hole.
  • Tighten it using a wrench or power tool until it is firmly secured into the roof structure.

Step 4: Secure the EPDM Washer & Flange Nut

  • Slide the EPDM washer onto the hanger bolt to create a weatherproof seal against water leaks.
  • Attach and tighten the flange nut over the washer to secure the bolt.

Step 5: Attach L-Foot or Mounting Plate

  • Mount the L-foot or plate onto the exposed threaded end of the hanger bolt.
  • Adjust the height if necessary to align with the racking system.
  • Secure it tightly with a flange nut.

Step 6: Verify Stability & Waterproofing

  • Ensure all bolts are properly tightened and secure.
  • Check that the EPDM washer is compressed to maintain a leak-proof seal.
  • Proceed with installing the solar rails and modules.

PV Mounts является универсальным производителем солнечных монтажных систем. Мы можем производить различные компоненты для монтажа солнечных панелей, включая:

  • Рельсы
  • Крючки
  • L-Feet
  • Винты заземления
  • Зажимы для стоячих швов
  • Mid Clamp & End Clamp
  • Заземляющий наконечник
  • Grounding Clip
  • Cable Clip
  • и многое другое
Solar Pv Bracket Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb (16)

Suitable Carton box packing

Solar Pv Bracket Hanger Bolt Pvm Hb (18)

Thick and well packed plastic to make sure the hanger bolt waterproof and protected.


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