L-alakú Solar Carport Kit

L-Shaped Solar Carport Kit

The L-shaped solar carport structure is a versatile and efficient design that maximizes the use of space while providing the dual benefits of vehicle protection and solar energy generation. This design is particularly suitable for locations with limited or irregularly shaped areas, allowing for optimal utilization of available space.

Design and Functionality

  • Shape and Configuration: The L-shaped design refers to the carport’s footprint, which resembles the letter ‘L’. 
  • Napelemes integráció: The roof of the L-shaped carport is outfitted with solar panels, which can be arranged to maximize exposure to sunlight. 
  • Structural Components: Typically, the structure is supported by steel columns at strategic points along the ‘L’, ensuring stability and strength. 
Tanúsítványok a PVM-CC-03 napelemes kábelcsipeszekhez PVM-CC-03

Megosztás a

A modul iránya:Horizontal/vertical L-Shape
Modul típusa:Keretes
Tervezési szög:5~20°
Konzol anyaga:Q235B/AL6005-T5
Felületkezeléstűzihorganyzott, előhorganyzott, porszórt, eloxált
Alkalmazási terület:Lakossági / Kereskedelmi
Garancia:10 év (25 év élettartam)
Tervezési szabványok:JIS C 8955:2017;
AS/NZS 1170;
ASCE/SEI 7-10;
Nemzetközi építési szabályzat: IBC 2009

Előnyök és jellemzők

  • Térhatékonyság: The L-shaped design is ideal for maximizing the use of corner spaces in parking lots or along the edges of buildings, providing additional parking coverage without consuming excess land.
  • Energy Production: Like other solar carports, the L-shaped structure serves the dual purpose of generating clean, renewable energy while offering covered parking for vehicles.
  • Customizable Design: The dimensions and orientation of the L-shaped carport can be customized to suit specific site requirements and to optimize solar energy collection.
  • Sokoldalú alkalmazás: This design is suitable for a variety of settings, including commercial buildings, retail parking lots, residential complexes, and more.
  • Factory Direct:  Based on 11 years experienced factory, you can get affordable price and high-performance components.

Tervezési rajz:

carbon steel solar carport case 7-shaped (11)



cabon steel solar carport projects L shape (7)

Factory tour for production of solar carport kit systems.

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